Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013


Vatican Assassins

Chapter 12
The Jesuits – 1600 - 1750
Communist Reductions in Paraguay
“The Society may also advantageously traffic under the borrowed names of some rich merchants [Shriner Freemasons and Knights of Malta], our friends; but never without a prospect of certain and abundant gain; and this may be done even to the Indies, which hitherto, by the bountiful favor of God, have furnished us not only with souls, but also plenteously supplied our coffers with wealth.” {1}
Ignatius Loyola, 1540
Founder, 1st Jesuit General, 1540-1556
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits
“I find almost the whole wealth of Central America in the hands of the Jesuits, and the property they hold in heads of cattle [“the Father of the Cattle Business” being Arizona Jesuit Eusebio Kino] and sheep is something truly enormous . . . and they have succeeded in a word to bring to such a height their power and riches that the secular clergy will soon be compelled to beg their bread from the Jesuits.” {2} [Emphasis added]
Juan de Palafox, 1647 Bishop of Los Angeles, Mexico Report to Pope Innocent X
“They dare before us, to enslave the Indians of Paraguay, to sell them, or buy them . . . separating mothers from their children, and to despoil them of their goods and property.” {3}
Pope Benedict XIV Bull of December, 1741
“When once the Jesuits had raised up a generation so devoted and obedient, they then brought into operation their system of government, and made a successful attempt to realize that republic preconceived of old by Plato, and which, with perhaps more interested views, is held out to us by the Socialists of our own day. In fact, their form of a republic was nothing else
The Jesuits – 1600 - 1750
than Communism which the famous [French Roman Catholic Etienne] Cabet [who died in Jesuit-controlled St. Louis in 1856] is now trying to establish in nearly the same regions; the only difference being, that the Jesuits substituted themselves for the state or community.” {4} [Emphasis added]
G. B. Nicolini of Rome, 1854 Protestant Italian Patriot Exiled to England History of the Jesuits
“As for the multitude, their only duty is to let themselves be led and to follow their shepherd as a docile herd.” {5}
Pope Pius X, 1906 Vatican City
This chapter is most important as it will be proven that the Jesuits are the true authors of socialist-communism. The economic system of the Dark Ages was feudalism consisting of the few rich landowners and the many poor peasants. It was “a sin” to make a profit by anyone other than the feudal lords. Thus, if the world is to be returned to the Dark Ages, the White Protestant Middle Class must be destroyed. Socialist-Communism accomplishes this, having yielded its bitter fruit in both Great Britain and the United States.
The great deception is that the Jews are the authors of communism. (After all, is not Zionism Jewish communism?) The facts are that the Jesuits used their Masonic Jews to introduce it in 1848 with the Second French Revolution (Marx), and again in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution (Lenin). Several years later, in 1933, the Jesuits then moved their Shriner Freemason, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), to recognize Russia’s bloody government. The Order then financed Russian communism with its Knights of Malta on Wall Street. This enabled Joseph Stalin, “the Grand Inquisitor,” to carry out the purges of the Thirties. Having deceived the world into believing communism was of Jewish origin, the Jesuits then used Hitler to implement “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” pursuant to the evil Council of Trent. The result was the mass-murder of European and Russian Jewry at the hands of the Jesuit-controlled, Nazi “Schutzstaffel” (SS).
At the close of the Second Thirty Years’ War (1945) the Jesuits, with their Vatican Ratline, helped hundreds of top Nazis to escape to South America. And where in South America? To the old dominion where socialist-communism had been perfected by the Jesuit fathers — to the nation of Paraguay.
The Jesuits – 1600 - 1750

Vatican Assassins

The Jesuits entered Paraguay in the early 1600s, sent by the kings of Spain and Portugal. They established their supremacy over the natives called “Guarani Indians” and did not allow them to mix with the Spanish or Portuguese. It was among this people that the Jesuits established their communes called “Reductions.” R. W. Thompson writes:
“The unsuspecting Indians were easily seduced by acts of kindness, and the result was that, in the course of a brief period, they succeeded in establishing a number of what were called Reductions – or, more properly speaking, villages – with multitudes of Indians assembled about them; the whole aggregating, in the end, several hundred thousand. These constituted the Jesuit State, and were all, by the mere ceremony of baptism, brought under Jesuit dominion.” {6}
The “Commune” or “Reduction” was kept in order by a system of spying.
“ . . . each Reduction was governed by a Jesuit father, supported by a vicar and a curate as assistants, but whose chief duty was espionage.” {7} 

This is important as Rome’s socialist-communist Reduction of the United States is also kept in order by a system of spying, carried out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Agency (NSA). (Vincent M. Cannistraro, the former CIA anti-terrorism chief under Knight of Malta William J. Casey, is now the Vatican’s security advisor in 2002.) And this system of spying will be greatly increased due to the New York Archbishop Cardinal Egan’s CFR/CIA September 11th attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The Commune, called by the Jesuits a “republic,” gave the appearance that it was self-governing. It was a republic in form but a monarchy in power controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome.
“At each Reduction the natives were allowed to select a secular magistry, with limited and unimportant powers over such temporal affairs as could be intrusted to them without impairing the theocratic feature of the Government. It was in everything pertaining to the management of public affairs an absolute monarchy, with all its powers centered in the general at Rome, whose authority was accepted as equal to that of God, and to whose command obedience was exacted from all.” {8} [Emphasis added]
(This also is important, as the Protestant-Calvinist republic of George Washington, with express and limited powers delegated to the Federal government, was an abomination to the Jesuit Order:
“For the Vatican condemned the Declaration of Independence [based on the Presbyterian Mechlenberg Declaration of 1775, not on the writings of the Jesuit Robert Cardinal Bellarmine (1640)] as ‘wickedness’ . . . and called the Constitution of the United States ‘a Satanic document’. ” {9}
So the Order with its “Radical Red Republican party” forced the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868. This converted Washington’s republic into a Jesuit republic — a republic in form but a monarchy in power.)
The status of the natives was one of equality and the economic system was socialist-communism. And of course, each Reduction had a common treasury or central bank. We read:
“ . . . universal equality prevailed. The principles of socialism or communism – very much as now understood [1894] – governed all the Reductions. Everything necessary to the material comfort and prosperity of the Indians was in common. Each family had a portion of land set apart for cultivation. They also learned trades, and many of them, both men and women, became experts. But the earnings of the whole were deposited in common storehouses at each Reduction, and distributed by the Jesuits in such portions to each individual as necessity required . . . Suffrage was universal, but ‘the sanction of the Jesuits was necessary to the validity of the election.’ ” {10} [Emphasis added]
(Dear truth-seeker, is this not how the people of the United States are governed today? Marx’s ten planks of The Communist Manifesto, having spawned over fifty revolutions in Europe, are in full force. We have a privately owned central bank called the “Federal Reserve Bank.” An annual income tax is collected from “each according to his ability” and redistributed to “each according to his need,” thereby destroying the White Protestant Middle Class. The sanction of the Jesuits, in control of the Council on Foreign Relations, is necessary to the validity of our “elections.” Politically, women are equal with men and we are oppressed with “one man, one vote.” We have no “lawful money” which is real wealth, as President Roosevelt and President Johnson took our gold and silver coins out of circulation and created the supremacy of monopoly money — the bogus notes of the Federal Reserve Bank.)
One last trait of the Jesuit republic must be noted. Through its police state the Jesuits destroyed true manhood.
“In order to teach the confiding Indians that obedience to authority was their chiefest duty, they were subjected to rules of conduct and intercourse which were enforced with the strictest severity. They were watched in everything, the searching eyes of the Jesuits being continually upon them.
The Jesuits – 1600 - 1750
Vatican Assassins

They constituted, in fact, a state of society reaching the Jesuit ideal completely; that is, docile, tractable, submissive, obedient, without the least real semblance of manhood. Having thus completed their subjugation, energetic measures were adopted to render any change in their condition impossible.” {11}
(Dear truth-seeker, I must comment! Is this not the America of 2003? As a nation, we no longer read the Bible of the Protestant Reformation — The Authorized King James Version of 1611, the edition of 1769. As a result, there are no longer any Calvinists who would use “the Sword of Just Defense” against a Jesuit-controlled tyranny. Therefore, we Americans live in a police state and are watched and tracked in everything we do through the use of the “date of birth” and “social security number.” The eyes of the FBI and CIA are continually upon us — like the KGB in Russia. And like the Guarani Indians, the vast majority of American men are submissive and obedient, docile and effeminate, “without the least real semblance of manhood” thanks to the use of fluoride and amalgam fillings by the American Dental Association (ADA) along with synthetic estrogens, toxic chemicals and vaccinations by the American Medical Association (AMA) and cartel corporate farmers.)
“The Jesuit Republic,” composed of over thirty Paraguayan Reductions, was in fact a vast, commercial empire on which were laboring over two hundred thousand slaves. E. Boyd Barrett, an Irish ex-Jesuit, tells us:
“The Jesuits, as it is well known, held very large regions of Paraguay under missionary control from 1650 to 1750. More than a quarter million natives worked under their [absolutist] direction, and no payment was made directly to them. . . . They were educated, trained, housed, clothed, fed and, to some extent, amused, but what became of the surplus profits of their labours, and of the extensive trading that was carried on? Over two thousand boats are said to have been engaged in carrying merchandise and goods on the Parana River; and the economic value of the Reductions was beyond doubt very great: so great indeed as to have awakened the envy of Spanish and Portuguese traders. Robertson estimated that the reductions represented at least $25,000,000 capital for the Society.” {12}
Further, the Order’s commercial empire extended north through Central America to include all of Mexico. Again our ex-Jesuit writes:
“The most dramatic testimony to Jesuit ‘avidity and eagerness for earthly goods’ is contained in a letter from the Venerable Bishop Palafox of Los Angeles [Mexico] to [Pope] Innocent X [who had fully approved of the Jesuits’ continuing Irish Massacre commenced in 1641] dated May 25, 1647. It treats the wealth of the Mexican Jesuits of that time.
The Jesuits – 1600 - 1750
I found almost all the wealth, all immovables, and all the treasures of this Province of America in the hands of the Jesuits, who still possess them. Two of their colleges have 300,000 sheep, without counting the small flocks; and whilst almost all the Cathedral Churches and all the Orders together have hardly three sugar refineries, the Society has six of the largest. One of these refineries is valued at more than half a million thalers; and this single province of the Jesuits, which however only consists of ten colleges, possesses, as I have just said, six of these refineries, each of which brings in one hundred thousand thalers yearly. Besides this they have cornfields of enormous size. Also they have silver mines, and if they continue to increase their power and wealth as they have done up to now, the secular clergy will become their sacristans and the laymen their stewards, while the other Orders will be forced to collect alms at their doors. All this property and all these considerable revenues which might make a sovereign powerful, serve no other purpose than to maintain ten colleges [military fortresses]…To this may be added the extraordinary skill with which they make use of and increase their super-abundant wealth. They maintain public warehouses, cattlefairs, butchers-stalls, and shops. They send part of their goods by way of the Philippine Islands to China. They lend out their money for usury, and thus cause the greatest loss and injury to others.’ ” {13} [Emphasis added]
Dear truth-seeker, “the Jesuit Republic” of South America became the model for “the Jesuit Republic” of North America. The thirty Reductions in Paraguay from 1600 to 1750 have become the model for the fifty States of Fourteenth Amendment America from 1868 to (the present) 2003. Both “republics” were established by super cartel-capitalists – the Jesuits – who then implemented the economic system of the Dark Ages — feudal socialist-communism. As always, cartel-capitalists and socialist-communists work together! Like Paraguay, Fourteenth Amendment America functions as a vast commercial empire, the Jesuits controlling all the wealth and reaping all the profits from their multinational corporations. Like the Guarani Indians, we American people are slaves; for, after being “educated, trained, housed, clothed, fed and amused,” we Americans have nothing! Like Paraguay, the commercial power of Fourteenth Amendment America has been harnessed by the Jesuit Order and has been used to finance Great Wars furthering Loyola’s Counter-Reformation while destroying Luther’s Protestant Reformation!
Should those of us who believe the Bible to be the final rule of faith and practice continue to be used to such evil ends? Should our preachers continue to remain mute in the face of such grand theft and Anti-Christian tyranny?



When we think of events that have transpired in history over the last one hundred to two hundred years, there are certain events that stand out as ones of great horror, great surprise and great sadness. Of the many that come to mind the most devastating have been the destruction of the the World Trade Center in New York City and the sinking of the Titanic.

The greatest tragedies in the last two hundred years can be traced to the Jesuits. We will now show that the Jesuits planned and carried out the sinking of the Titanic, and we will show why they did it.

Since the early 1830’s, America did not have a central bank. The Jesuits desperately wanted another central bank in America so that they would have a bottomless reservoir from which to draw money for their many wars and other hideous schemes around the world.

In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll Island just off the coast of Georgia to establish a central bank, which they called the Federal Reserve Bank. These men were Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip, both representing the Rockefeller financial empire; Henry Davison, Charles Norton, and Benjamin Strong, representing J.P. Morgan; and Paul Warburg, representing the Rothschild banking dynasty of Europe. We have already seen that the Rothschilds were the banking agents for thepapacy’s Jesuits, holding “the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic
The Morgans were friendly competitors with the Rothschilds and became socially close to them. Morgan’s London-based firm was saved from financial ruin in 1857 by the Bank of England over which the Rothschilds held great influence.
Thereafter, Morgan appears to have served as a Rothschild financial agent and went to great length to appear totally American....
His [Rockefeller’s] entry into the field was not welcomed by Morgan, and they became fierce competitors. Eventually, they decided to minimize their competition by entering into joint ventures. In the end, they worked together to create a national banking cartel called the Federal Reserve System. — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion Publishing, p. 209. (Emphasis supplied). (1 of 6)2.12.2005 16:31:22

These three financial families, the Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination. As we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been. They have continued to squander the wealth of America and continually attack its great constitution and civil
liberties. Daily, the power of the pope in Vatican City increases. One day they will achieve total power again.
The building of the Titanic began in 1909 at a shipyard in Belfast, the capitol of Northern Ireland. Belfast was a Protestant haven and was hated by the Jesuits. World War One began just a few years later.
The Titanic was one of a fleet of ships owned by the White Star Line, an international shipping company.
Banking was not the only business in which Morgan had a strong financial interest. Using his control over the nation’s railroads as financial leverage, he had created an international shipping trust which included Germany’s two
largest lines plus one of the two in England, the White Star Lines. — Ibid, p. 246.
There were a number of very rich and powerful men who made it abundantly clear that they were not in favor of the Federal Reserve System. J.P. Morgan was ordered by the Jesuits to build the Titanic.
This ‘unsinkable’ ship would serve as the death ship for those who opposed the Jesuits’ plan for a Federal Reserve system.

These rich and powerful men would have been able to block the establishment of the Federal Reserve, and their power and fortunes had to be taken out of their hands. They had to be destroyed by a means so preposterous that no one would suspect that they were murdered, and no one would suspect the Jesuits. The Titanic was the vehicle of their destruction. In order to further shield the papacy and the Jesuits from suspicion, many Irish, French, and Italian Roman Catholics immigrating to the New World were aboard. They were people who were expendable. Protestants from Belfast who wanted to immigrate to the United States were also invited on board.
All the wealthy and powerful men the Jesuits wanted to get rid of were invited to take the cruise. Three of the richest and most important of these were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss, the head of Macy’s Department Stores, and John Jacob Astor, probably the wealthiest man in the world. Their total wealth, at that time, using dollar values of their day was more than 500 million dollars. Today that amount of money would be worth nearly eleven billion dollars. These three men were coaxed and encouraged to board the floating palace. They had to be destroyed because the Jesuits knew they would use their wealth (2 of 6)2.12.2005 16:31:22
and influence to oppose a Federal Reserve Bank as well as the various wars that were being planned.
Edward Smith was the captain of the Titanic. He had been traveling the North Atlantic waters for twenty-six years and was the world’s most experienced master of the North Atlantic routs. He had worked for Jesuit, J.P. Morgan, for many years.
Edward Smith was a ‘Jesuit tempore co-adjator.’ This means that he was not a priest, but he was a Jesuit of the short robe. Jesuits are not necessarily priests. Those who are not priests serve the order through their profession. Anyone could be a Jesuit, and their identity would not be known. Edward Smith served the Jesuit Order in his profession as a
sea captain.
Many interesting points about the Titanic are discussed in a videotape made by National Geographic in 1986. The videotape is entitled The Secrets of the Titanic. When the Titanic departed from Southern England on April 10, 1912, Francis Browne, the Jesuit master of Edward Smith, boarded the Titanic. This man was the most powerful Jesuit in all of Ireland and answered directly to the general of the Jesuit Order in Rome. The videotape declares:
A vacationing priest, Father
Francis Browne, caught these
poignant snapshots of his fellow
passengers, most of them on a
voyage to eternity. The next day
Titanic made her last stop off the
coast of Queenstown, Ireland.
Here tenders brought out the
last passengers; mostly Irish
immigrants headed for new
homes in America. And here, the
lucky Father Browne
disembarked.... Father Browne
caught Captain Smith peering
down from Titanic’s bridge,
poised on the brink of destiny. —
The Secrets of the Titanic,
National Geographic, video tape,
Here is Jesuit treachery at its
finest. The Provincial [Father
Francis Browne] boards Titanic,
photographs the victims, most
assuredly briefs the Captain
concerning his oath as a Jesuit,
and the following morning bids
him farewell. — Eric J. Phelps,
Vatican Assassins, Halycon
Unified Services, p. 427. (3 of 6)2.12.2005 16:31:22
Browne went over with Edward Smith one last time exactly what he was supposed to do in the North Atlantic waters. The Jesuit General told Francis Browne what was to happen; Browne then tells Smith and the rest is history. Edward Smith believed that the Jesuit General
. . . is the god of the [Jesuit] society, and nothing but his electric touch can galvanize their dead corpses into life and action. Until he speaks, they are like serpents coiled up in
their wintry graves, lifeless and inactive; but the moment he gives the word of command, each member springs
instantaneously to his feet, leaving unfinished whatsoever may have engaged him, ready to assail whomsoever he may require to be assailed, and to strike wheresoever he shall direct a blow to be stricken. — R.W. Thompson, The Footprints of the Jesuits, Hunt and Eaton, pp. 72, 73.
Edward Smith was given an order to sink the Titanic and that is exactly
what he did.
By the command of God, [the Jesuit General] it is lawful to murder the innocent, to rob, to commit all lewdness, because he [the Pope] is Lord of life, and death, and of all things; and
thus to fulfill his mandate is our duty. — W. C. Brownlee,
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, American and Foreign
Christian Union, p. 143.
There is no record in history of an association whose organization has stood for three hundred years unchanged and unaltered by all the assaults of men and time, and which
has exercised such an immense influence over the destinies of mankind… ‘The ends justify the means,’ is his favorite maxim; and as his only end, as we have shewn, is the order, at its bidding the Jesuit is ready to commit any crime
whatsoever. — G. B. Nicolini, The History of the Jesuits,
Henry G. Bohn, pp. 495, 496, emphasis added.
Let us remember the oath that every person takes to become a part of
the Jesuit Order:
I should regard myself as a dead body, without will or
intelligence, as a little crucifix which is turned about unresistingly at the will of him who holds it as a staff in the hands of an old man, who uses it as he requires it, and as it suits him best. — R. W. Thompson, The Footprints of the
Jesuits, Hunt and Eaton, p. 54.
When a person takes the Jesuit Oath, he is bound to his master until the day that he dies. Edward Smith had become a man without will or intelligence. He would commit any crime the Order wanted him to commit. Edward Smith had been required for martyrdom. On board the Titanic that night, Edward Smith knew his duty. He was under oath. (4 of 6)2.12.2005 16:31:22
The ship had been built for the enemies of the Jesuits. After three days at sea with only one pair of glasses for the bridge, Edward Smith propelled the Titanic full speed ahead, twenty-two knots, on a moonless dark night through a gigantic ice field nearly eighty square miles in area. Edward Smith did this despite at least eight telegrams warning him to be more cautious because he was going too fast.
Did Edward Smith need one caution? No, he had been traveling those waters for twenty-six years. He knew there were icebergs in that area.
But eight cautions did not stop this man who was under the Jesuit oath, and under orders to destroy the Titanic.

The absurdity of warning veteran Captain Edward Smith repeatedly on Titanic’s tragic night to slow down is nothing short of preposterous. The insane. He had been given orders from his god in the Vatican, and nothing would turn him from his course.

The encyclopedias paint a very tragic picture of Smith in his last hours.

When it came time to give the order to load and lower the lifeboats, Smith wavered and one of his aids had to approach him for the orderto be given. Smith’s legendary skills of leadership seem to have left that fatal night. Are these words to describe a legendary sea captain with 26 years of experience, or are these words to describe a man who was struggling in his mind whether he should do his duty as a sea captain or obey his master who told him to sink the ship?

John Jacob Astor’s wife got into a life boat and was saved, while John Jacob Astor perished in the waters of the North Atlantic. There were not enough lifeboats and many of them were only half full with only women and children.

To prevent nearby freighters from responding with help, the distress flares were white when they should have been red. White flares to passing freighters state that everybody was having a party.

One of the greatest tragedies of the twentieth century, the sinking of the Titanic, lies at the door of the Jesuit Order. The unsinkable ship,wealthy, who opposed the Federal Reserve System. By April, 1912, all opposition to the Federal Reserve System came into being in the United States. Eight months later, the Jesuits had sufficient funding through the Federal Reserve bank to begin World War One.
Chapter 6:

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